Basic Technique

basic techniques

In the realm of sexual exploration and fulfillment, mastering the Basic Technique is the cornerstone of a deeply satisfying sexual journey. This pillar page is designed to guide you through the foundational practices that enhance your comfort and confidence in your own skin, paving the way for a richer, more sensual experience. Whether you’re exploring solo or with a partner, these techniques focus on self-discovery, communication, and the art of touch, setting the stage for deeper connection and heightened pleasure.

We delve into the essentials of understanding your body’s unique responses, including how to cultivate mindfulness during sexual activities, which can significantly enhance pleasure. From the basics of finding and stimulating erogenous zones to the subtleties of breathing exercises that amplify arousal, this page provides a comprehensive overview. We also cover the importance of setting a comfortable and inviting ambiance that encourages relaxation and openness, essential for a fulfilling sexual experience.

Empowerment through education is at the heart of Secrets of Sensual Sex. By embracing these basic techniques, you’re not just learning about sexual activities; you’re embarking on a journey to discover what brings you the most pleasure, confidence, and joy in your sexuality. Join us as we explore these building blocks together, creating a foundation of knowledge and experience that will support your journey to achieving better, longer, and more intense orgasms, rooted in a deep understanding and appreciation of your own body and desires.

Explore Our Basic Technique Articles

Why the G-spot? Why not the A-spot?

The interior of our vaginas have several erogenous zones.  The G-spot or zone is the most well-known.  The A-spot is one of the other spots or zones in the vagina’s interior. Here is a great article on the topic. " Everything You Need to Know About the A-Spot"  ...

How do phases work for the Basic Technique?

Specifically, aren’t the elements of the first phase also used in the second phase?   Yes, the first phase elements carry over into the second phase.   The first phase covers the time up to and including your first orgasm.  The second phase covers the time up to...

Does using the Basic Technique increase libido?

Explore the potential impact of the Basic Technique (BT) on women’s libidos, as reported in our recent blog post. Although results are not guaranteed and based on a small sample size, many women express substantial improvements after using the BT. This is not a scientific study, but anecdotal evidence of possible benefits.

An article about overlapping orgasms (part 3)

This week, the discussion of Ümit Sayin’s article is continued. Table 5 of the article is titled “The Main characteristics of women with ESR and expanded orgasm experience”.   Acronyms in the article include: ESR or Expanded Sexual Response NESR or Non-Expanded Sexual...

An article about overlapping orgasms (part 2)

Ümit Sayin, “DSM Controversies, Defining the Normal and the Paraphilia: Sexual Pleasure Objects, Fantasy, Variations, Soft-BDSM, ESR, Hypersexuality, Sex Addiction and Nymphomania”, This week, the discussion...

An article about overlapping orgasms (part 1)

Ümit Sayin’s article is cited: “What does science say about whether or not women can learn to experience overlapping orgasms or status orgasmus (“SO”)?”  The article contains two figures, and one table, worth looking at. Figure 1 of the article is titled “Classical...

Growing intensity of pleasure

As we experience orgasm after orgasm using the Basic Technique (“BT”), both the intensity of pleasure and the heat we experience tend to grow and grow.  This is natural, and normal. At first, the increased intensity of pleasure is welcome.  More pleasure! Left...

Announcing? Really?

Short answer: Yes.  Really. Announcing – yelling, screaming during orgasm – aids in breathing.  It also enhances our pleasure.  Some of us, many of us, cannot easily yell or scream when we masturbate because of family or neighbors. If you are among those who cannot...