Technique 1: Discover Your G-Spot


In this technique, we’re going to start exploring one of the most exciting aspects of female pleasure: your G-spot. This technique will teach you how to locate your G-spot.   It takes about 5 – 6 minutes, and, yes, you’ll need to remove your clothes. 

During this technique, you’ll be inserting a finger into your vagina, so it’s important to have clean hands and trimmed fingernails. 

The best time to find your G-spot is right after an orgasm when your arousal level is already high. This makes the G-spot more noticeable and easier to locate. We recommend using the warm-up exercise first, which walks you through initial arousal and orgasm. You can also masturbate to reach orgasm. 

There are two ways to learn. First, you can listen to an audio file and follow the step-by-step instructions. To begin, choose from a female or male voice below. If you have a digital assistant like Siri or Google Assistant, you can use vocal commands to pause, resume, and rewind.

For the second option, you can read the description and follow the step-by-step instructions below. 

By the end of this technique, you’ll be able to confidently locate your G-spot, opening the door to new and exciting sexual experiences. Relax, be patient with yourself, and go at your own pace. 




This technique answers a question that a lot of women have: is there really such a thing as a G-spot? The answer is a resounding “Yes!” The G-spot is not a myth. It’s just easiest to find directly after an orgasm when you’re already in a state of high arousal. 

This guide will help you locate your G-spot for better sexual experiences. The process takes about 5 to 6 minutes, and you’ll need to remove your clothes. We recommend that you start with our warmup exercise, but you can also masturbate to reach orgasm. 

There are two ways to learn. First, you can listen to an audio file and follow the step-by-step instructions. To begin, choose from a female or male voice below. If you have a digital assistant like Siri or Google Assistant, you can use vocal commands to pause, resume, and rewind.

For the second option, you can read the description and follow the step-by-step instructions below. 

The first few times, you may find it difficult to find your G-spot, even after orgasm. That’s normal. You may find it the first time and have the best orgasm of your life. That’s also normal. Remember, this is about you, your body, and your pleasure. Relax, take your time, and enjoy! 


You’ll be inserting a finger into your vagina, so it’s important to have clean hands and trimmed fingernails. Reach your first orgasm using any method you prefer, and then begin this technique.

This technique must be performed with clothes off.

The steps are:

  1. Reach orgasm using any method you prefer, such as masturbation or the warm-up exercise.
  2. As soon after your orgasm as possible, gently insert your index finger into your vagina with your palm facing upwards.
  3. Slide your finger forward from one to three inches (3 to 8 centimeters) along the front wall of your vagina, closest to your belly button.
  4. Feel for an area that is:
    • About one inch (2.5 centimeters) in diameter
    • Raised above the surrounding tissue
    • Spongier than the surrounding tissue
    • Ribbed or textured
    • Slightly pleasurable to the touch
  5. Once located, press and rub your G-spot gently.
  6. Press and rub your G-spot, focusing on the feelings that come with the touch and movement. 

Interested in Experimenting? Extra Credits

If you didn’t find your G-spot the first time, that’s okay. Simply exit this guide and try again later. When you try again, you’ll already know the steps, making it easier to find the next time.

With these techniques, you’ll be spending several minutes pressing on your G-spot. If you find this to be true for you, we recommend purchasing a dildo. The weight of the dildo makes it easier to stimulate your G-spot.


Practice locating your G-spot on your own once more before moving on to the next technique.

After mastering this technique, you are ready for the next technique: Discover Multiple G-spot Orgasms.


After this technique, you are ready for the next technique: “Discover Multiple G-spot Orgasms”

Technique 2: Discover Multiple G-Spot Orgasms

Technique 3: Discover Back to Back G-Spot Orgasms

Technique 4: Discover Overlapping Orgasms

Technique 5: Discover Never-Ending Orgasms

Technique 6: Discover Massive Clitoral Orgasms

Anatomy Pop Quiz

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The vagina is:

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Which parts of the body are considered female erogenous zones?

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