Test Warm Up Exercise v3 – Written/audio


This warm-up exercise might seem simple, but it’s full of elements that work together to get you in the mood. You may need to follow the steps for a few minutes before you feel “tingles,” the first step along the journey to arousal.

This exercise is meant to be fun, not a task. If you get tired or the exercise is no longer enjoyable after a few minutes, take a break and come back to it later. It can take some practice to achieve full arousal and climax.

Over time, as you get more comfortable with this exercise, you may find you’re getting more aroused and aroused faster. At some point, you may find you are close to orgasm. Some people do reach orgasm from this exercise, and that’s perfectly normal. And if you don’t? That’s normal, too. The key is to enjoy the process, not just focus on the destination.

So, pick a method to learn the exercise – either by listening to an audio file that guides you through the steps or reading the description below and following the steps listed there. To listen to the audio file, choose a female or male voice.



Please follow the steps below to complete the questionnaire:

  1. Read the explainer information at the top.
  2. Listen to one of the audio files, “Warm Up Exercise by Female Voice” or “Warm Up Exercise by Male Voice,” and follow the instructions.
  3. Keep track of how long you spend performing the exercise.
  4. Complete this questionnaire.
  5. Notify us at info@level343.com that the questionnaire is complete.

Thank you!

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1. On a scale of 1 to 10, how easy was it to understand the content?
Choose a selection, where 1 is the most difficult to understand and 10 is the easiest to understand.
2. How effective was the explanation in introducing the exercise/technique?
1 = Not Effective, 10 = Extremely Effective
(Consider clarity, length, content, or visuals)
5. If you listened to an audio file, which version did you listen to?
6. Rate your understanding of the exercise/technique instructions.
1 = Did Not Understand, 10 = Completely Understood, N/A
7. Were the instructions clear and easy to follow?
1 = Not At All Clear, 10 = Extremely Clear, N/A
Number of minutes
12. Is this technique (or techniques like it) something you might search for online?
13a. If you came across this technique online, is it something you would try?
15. Are you interested in continuing to the next exercise/technique?
In order to be compensated for your time, please enter your initials.